Streaming and Culture - A Little Bit of Everything All of the Time
("Welcome to the Internet" by Bo Burnham, June 4, 2021) In 2021, comedian and musical artist Bo Burnham released Inside , a comedy special filmed and produced entirely in Burnham's home during the height of the covid-19 pandemic. The special, which streamed exclusively on Netflix, tackled many issues such as political injustice, mental health, and as seen in the above video, the internet and its impact on the human psyche and culture. The above song, titled "Welcome to the Internet," expresses some of Burnham's thoughts about how the internet has impacted how we interact with media and culture. His conclusion is that the internet has created a culture where engagement and interaction are the most important ways to be involved in culture, and within that culture, one must be constantly engaged with as much as possible. Singing as the internet in this song, he sings "could I interest you in everything all of the time?", referencing this very issue ...